CoMpUteR TriCks

Windows 8 KeYbOaRd ShOrtCuTs
TrY to meMorize thEse tOp WinDows 8 shOrtCut keYs.

PrEss the WinDows kEy to oPen the STart sCreen or sWitch To tHe DeSktoP (if open).
PreSs thE WinDows kEy + D will oPen the WinDows DesKtop.
PrEsS thE WinDows kEy + . to pin and uNpin WinDows aPps oN thE sIde of thE scReeN.
Press the Windows key + X to open the power user menu, which gives you access to many of the features mOst poWer usErs woUld wAnt (e.g. DeVice MaNager aNd CoMMand ProMpt).
PrEss the WiNdoWs key + C to oPen the ChArms.
PrEsS the WiNdoWs key + I to oPen the Settings, which is the same Settings found in Charms.
PrEsS and hold the WiNdoWs key + Tab to sHow open apps.
PrEsS the WiNdoWs key + Print scReen to create a screen shot, which is autoMatically saVed inTo yoUr My PiCtures foLder.
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Click Here for
How to Increase your Pc Speed
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