Monday 30 September 2013

CaiTlyn ChriSteNsen xxx baby

Name: CaiTlyn ChriSteNsen
Address: SaLt LaKe City, UT
About CaiTlyn ChriSteNsen:
MoDel .Gogo DaNcer .ProMoter
I loVe modEliNg. EvEr siNce I wAs a yOuNg gIrL, I haVe alwAys waNted tO bE a mOdeL. It hAs beEn a liFe loNg drEaM of MinE, wHicH I aM sEt To mAkE a rEaLity.
I staRted geTTing iNtO mOdeLing bAck wHen I waS abOut 14 yEars oLd. I siGnEd wiTh aN aGenCy heRe iN SaLt LAke CiTy. TheRe wAsn’t mUch worRk aT tHe time for girls my age, but once I became an adult I started getting back into modeling. I am actiVely prOgreSsinG aS a fReeLancE mOdeL. I aM cuRRentLy nOt siGned wItH aNy mOdeling agencies.
I staRted my gOgo danCing carEer at the end Of 2010, and eVer since mY first sHow I have absolutely loved it! Being on stage dancing is such a rush that I continually crave. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world! I sTrive to further my career as a dancer and continue to better my technique. I currently gogo dance 

 Detailed Information:
Height : 5′ 9″ , Weight : 115 lbs , Bust : 32″ , Waist : 25″ , Hips : 34″ , Cup : B , Shoe : 8 , Hair color : Blonde , Hair length : Very Long , Eye color : Green , Ethnicity : Caucasian , Skin color : Tanned , Shoot nudes : No , Experience : Very Experienced , Compensation : Paid work only , Genres: Acting , Bodypaint
Dance....etc etc

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